Ooway Events

Ooway Events offers an unparalleled experience of culinary excellence, where Ooway ambassadors collaborate with distinguished chefs to create unique and memorable dining events. Join us for an unforgettable journey of taste and sophistication.

Ooway, it's Today.

About Ooway Events
My name is Theo. I'm a chef that mostly worked at Michelin Star Gastronomic restaurants.

I wanted to give back to others all I received throughout my life.
Ooway is my personal experience and opportunities in the form of a challenge.

Through my journey around Europe, I was lucky enough to meet people and professionals. With them, I worked at culinary events and underwent formative collaborations.

Ooway is the opportunity to show your skills, build connections, challenge yourself and grow from it.

we been inviting two chefs from around the world to work together for the first time. They will bring their own concept of food to the Ooway events .

Ooway, it's Today

What does 'Ooway' mean, and what does it stand for?

Ooway's literal meaning is 'Today'. It comes from the phonetic of the word 'Uèi' of the french dialect called Provençal.
Ooway, it's my way to give back what has been provided to me in the past. It is my experiences and opportunities received and all that helped me grow to where I am now.

I want to give peer chefs the opportunity to create the food they want, put their expertise into play, to challenge them.
I want to give them connections and the ability to create their growth.

Ooway, it's Gastronomie.
Ooway, it's Opportunities.
Ooway, it's Challenges.
Ooway, it's Creation.

Ooway, it's Today.
What is next ?
After two years, we are putting Ooway on pause until we find the right place to restart the event.

If you are interested in being part of the next Ooway event as a chef, please contact us via email.

If you are interested in being a guest at our next event, please email us to be added to our newsletter.

Ooway exists because of you!

Theo Sanchez


launched Ooway in 2023, and its journey started with an event in collaboration with chefs Driven by a desire to inspire, Theo hopes to advance the industry through his passion: creating spaces for community, collaboration, and a new generation of chefs to learn and grow together.

Vittorio Di Pietro

Head marketing

Behind the developing its concept from the start. he designed all the branding and visual identity for the event, shaping its unique aesthetic and experience.

James Maynard


Cornerstone of the Ooway project, even before Ooway was fully envisioned. He played a vital role in our very first event and has been integral to our journey ever since.

Samuele Poggi


With a deep passion for gastronomy and a strong background in the industry, I have been an Ooway ambassador since its second year. Alongside James and Theo, I have supported and mentored the next generation of young chefs, helping to shape the future of culinary innovation.